
Consult best Copyright Lawyers Online in Delhi , NCR

Copyright comes under intellectual property law known as IPR also. The main objective is to protect the rights of the original authors, song writers, artist works from getting copied as it provides exclusive rights to the original persons to whom the work belongs and saves the work from being duplicating or stealing

Hire a Copyright Lawyer online in Delhi

If you are seeking a reliable and experienced copyright lawyer online in Noida, Delhi, and Delhi NCR, consider engaging the services of LawChef. With their expertise in intellectual property law, particularly in copyright matters, LawChef is well-equipped to provide legal counsel and assistance tailored to your needs. Whether you require guidance on copyright protection, licensing, or enforcement, LawChef is committed to delivering professional and efficient online legal services. Their team understands the nuances of copyright law and can offer valuable insights to safeguard your creative works. By choosing LawChef as your copyright lawyer online in Delhi or areas near you, you can trust in their dedication to protecting your intellectual property rights in the digital landscape.

What is a copyright?

Indian law provides the authors of original works of authorship, such as literary works, theatrical works, musical works, artistic works, cinematographic films, and sound recordings, with a type of intellectual property protection known as copyright. In India, copyrights are protected by the Copyright Act, 1957. The following two types of copyright protection are granted by it; author economic rights and author moral rights.

Copyright registration is not required in India because it is viewed as merely a record of a fact. The registration is not a need for taking legal action against infringement and neither does it grant any additional rights. The Indian courts have endorsed the viewpoint in a long line of rulings.

The enforcement authorities in India have very little knowledge of intellectual property (IP) laws, and the majority of IP litigation occurs only in large cities. Although copyright registration is not required in India and is protected by the International Copyright Order, 1999, it is still advisable to do so because the copyright registration certificate is recognised as "proof of ownership" in courts and by law enforcement officials and is easily acted upon by them.

Original literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works are protected by copyright for as long as the author or artist is alive and for 60 years beginning with the year of the author's passing. Counting from the year after the date of publication, cinematograph films, sound recordings, posthumous publications, anonymous and pseudonymous publications, works of government, and works of international organisations are all protected for a period of 60 years.

India is a signatory to the Rome Convention, Berne Convention, Universal Copyright Convention, and Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). The copyrights of works from other convention member countries are protected in India to the same extent as those of works with Indian provenance, in accordance with the Berne Convention and Universal Copyright Convention. The International Copyright Order of 1999 makes this provision.

In other parts of the world, copyright has been recognised as a legal right since 1710, when the Statute of Anne was passed by the British Parliament and in India since 1957. Since then, creators have received the exclusive right to profit commercially from their original works as compensation. The public's interest in creation is also taken into account by copyright rules through measures that facilitate access. This framework offers the perfect foundation for encouraging creativity and innovation in the digital world.

Indian law provides the authors of original works of authorship, such as literary works, theatrical works, musical works, artistic works, cinematographic films, and sound recordings, with a type of intellectual property protection known as copyright.

The Copyright Act, 1957 (Act) along with Copyright Rules, govern the laws related to copyright protection in India.

The kinds of work that can be protected under copyright law are :

●       original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works

●       cinematograph films

●       sound recordings.

Any work that fits within one of the aforementioned categories. The work being sought for copyright protection must be original, but it is not required that the work contain any novel ideas or thoughts. Only the originality of the idea expression is of relevance to the law.

Even after the copyright period has passed, an author's moral right, which is a right against distortion, remains in effect.

A copyright attorney is a legal professional who specializes in copyright law, which deals with the protection of original creative works. These attorneys help individuals and businesses navigate copyright issues, including registration, licensing, infringement claims, and other legal matters related to intellectual property

A legal service platform in India refers to an online or technology-driven platform that facilitates the delivery of legal services.

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