Landowners are entitled to the current market value of their land in case there is a huge delay in compensation arising out of the acquisition of the land. It is yet another landmark judgment coming from the apex court of India. It emphasizes fairness and equity in compulsory acquisitions of private properties by the state.The case originated as petitions filed by landowners to recover delayed payments for compensation regarding lands acquired under the Land Acquisition Act, 2013. It was submitted by the petitioners that substantial appreciation in their land value due to delay and violation of rights in awarding compensation on out-of-date rates were involved in the matter. During judgment delivery, the Supreme Court of India decreed that the minimum requirement for justice is to provide compensation at a prevailing market rate. In this case, it argued that the delayed compensation deprived the owners of reaping the actual benefits involved in the true value of the property, not only financial and emotional loss but also others. It was clarified by the court further that procedural inefficiencies or bureaucratic hurdles cannot be allowed to vitiate the rights of landowners. In such cases, the authorities were directed to compute the compensation at the prevailing market value and also account for the interest accrued during the delay period. This is another form of determining public interest and land acquisition balance and, at the same time, serves constitutional requirements of proprietors. This sort of cases is most probably going to create trends, thereby making it one case setting precedent in land rights.