

Demanding Money for Construction of House is Dowry: SC

The Supreme Court made the decision to enlarge the meaning of "dowry" in its decision in the case of State of Madhya Pradesh vs. Jogendra & Anr. According to the Supreme Court, any demand made on a woman, whether for money or property, should be regarded as a "dowry." According to the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, "dowry" refers to "any property or valued security" given as part of a marriage proposal. In India and almost every other country in the globe, women have long been oppressed. Despite all the women's empowerment campaigns, the situation is still severe. Many rights are still denied to women, and they also have limited access to economic and educational opportunities as well as ongoing prejudice and discrimination. The Supreme Court's historic decisions on a number of important matters are hoped to improve the position of women in India.

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